
The EWPCN pharmacy team supports the patient’s medical home by working with their primary care providers to help patients better understand their medication. This is especially important for patients taking multiple medications or managing complex health conditions.

Our pharmacists can provide you with a variety of services that will assist your health and well-being, including:

  • answering your medication questions
  • teaching you how to take your medications properly
  • educating you on the risks, benefits, and side effects of your medications
  • providing tobacco reduction and cessation counselling
  • reviewing your prescriptions, over-the-counter medications and natural products for interactions

Our pharmacy team provides expert advice for:

  • chronic pain management
  • chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, arthritis and others by:
    • monitoring and follow up
    • working with your other health care providers
    • referrals to other resources and programs