Low Risk Maternity Clinic

The Edmonton West Primary Care Network offers pre- and postnatal care to low-risk maternity patients. The team is made up of experienced family physicians who specialize in obstetrics and deliver babies at the Misericordia Community Hospital. 

As an expectant mother, you experience physical and emotional changes. It is important that you understand these changes and get the best maternity care possible – for the health of both you and your baby.

The EWPCN coordinates prenatal appointments so patients can meet all the clinic’s doctors before delivery – that way there is always a familiar face in the delivery room. 

Talk to your family physician about a referral to our clinic. Once you join our clinic, you will receive your pre- and postnatal care from us. We will keep your family physician updated so they can continue to give you high quality care after your baby is born. 

If you do not have a family doctor, contact us directly at 780-443-7477.  

Our services include:

  • Prenatal care, including regular check-ups to prevent illness and promote health
  • 23-hour a day, on-call service
  • Labour and delivery
  • Specialist referral, if needed
  • Newborn one-week check-up
  • Mother’s six-week, postnatal check-up and support to find a family physician (if mother has no primary care physician)
  • Access to other members of the EWPCN team who can provide advice on diet, exercise, medications, and counselling if needed