Clinical Excellence

The Clinical Excellence Team supports the Patient’s Medical Home by collaborating with EWPCN physicians and staff to enhance patient care, improve health outcomes, and optimize provider experience.

Who We Are

The Clinical Excellence Team consists of Proactive Care Coordination Assistants (PCCA), Practice Facilitators (PF), and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Specialists who work with physicians and their teams to deliver high quality patient care. 

What We Do

Clinical Excellence Team members partner with clinics to identify and contact patients who are due for care in the clinic. The Team may contact patients directly to confirm their attachment to their physician and/or clinic, book appointments, and make arrangements for cancer screening or other testing. This support ensures clinics are taking a proactive approach in maintaining the health of their patients. 

The Clinical Excellence team also helps identify areas for improvement in member clinics. Examples of quality improvement initiatives include improving patient access, optimizing the use of the EMR, improving care provided by the health care team, or implementing new technology to make clinical care more efficient.